Hotel Gardenia - App
Available both on App Store and Google Play for Apple and Android devices
Optimized for Apple and Android devices
Hotel Gardenia is located on the Sorrento Coast, setting itself as a reference point for local hospitality. The Director is always paying attention to improve the staying experience of their guests.
Free official app of the Hotel Gardenia, which allows guests to customize their stay at the hotel with additional services and useful information.
The app can provide: - Hotel information: Get the wifi password, or check out the opening times of the pool and breakfast room. - Virtual Concierge: Book additional services such as transfer, excursions, boat tours and room service. - Discover Sorrento and Amalfi Coast: Many tips on what to do and see, the best restaurants and the most beautiful beaches. - How to get there: Discover the recommended itineraries or simply start the navigator with one single touch.
Once arrived in the hotel reception, the guests find a small information stand that invites them to download the app, via QR code
The official app of the hotel is a source of pride for the hotelier and happiness for the guest!
An easy and immediate user experience
Hotel La Tonnarella
Website, Official App, and Digital Menu
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